Notes on ABC Kata Nov 19h 2022

November 19, 2022


  • What have you learned?

  • Questions/thoughts

    • review objects cathestic, functional cathestic and arlo commit notation.
    • what’s arlo notion for adding only tests?
    • F!! to add both tests and production code feels like big steps
    • is there a better way to specify any in StateMonoid? feels like when both Output and State are the same … it seems like there some duplication
    • too many R!!, is there better way make it smaller?
    • what’re the languages that I want to use for most of my kata outside of java?
      • seems like typescript is a good one where I can leverage union types and functional libraries from the community
    • what is monoid?
      • “A monad is a construction that, given an underlying type system, embeds a corresponding type system into it. This monadic type system preserves all significant aspects of the underlying type system while adding features particular to the monad.”
      • looks like some Ring/Identiy theory
      • monoids are good for reducing function arguments
        • through currying
        • or thinking of function parameters as pre-constructor applied
    • seems like array.includes/indexOf doesn’t do deep equal on object, hence find is used
    • for some reasons, running tests from webstorm, skip certain tests even though, it not specified with skips
    • trycatch to return error early, but it seems like it better idea to explicit state the error type then throw Error from the code
    • it turns out that Blocks concept are helpful in keeping the rules and code in sync
    • as long as there one letter that can’t be built/match with anyblock, return error instead of throw new error
    • state monoid seems to be keep repeating as a way to keep tracking of changing mutable state.
    • getting confuse between the finalState and Output of StateMonoid interface


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Written by Tony Vo father, husband, son and software developer Twitter