100M dollar leads by Alex Hormozi summary wip

December 11, 2023


  • Every day brings new opportunities

    • You can allow yesterday’s mistake to teach you a lesson but not let it burden your mind. Each new day brings new hope and an opportunity to do things better. You have to give each day your best shot.
  • Spread love and be kind

    • What you do will come back to you. So better do something good so that you get the same in return. It would be best if you were loving and kind to every person who crosses your path. Keep love at the core of all your actions, and it will take you a long way.
  • Be persistent

    • You cannot avoid failures but what you can do is never give up. Nobody can defeat you unless you yourself accept your defeat. Being persistent is one way of achieving your goals in life.
  • Don’t waste time

    • Value time is a limited resource. You must live every day as though it is your last and have a purpose to fulfill. This way, you can make the most of the time you have at hand.
  • You are what you do

    • Your actions define who you are about to become. By controlling your efforts, you are shaping your future. While this is difficult, it is not impossible.
  • The 5 key skills of the The Greatest Salesman in the World.

    • Habits
    • Persistence
    • Trust
    • Control of your emotions
    • and (non) procrastination

Grand Slam Offers

  • Travis Jones states that the secret to sales is to “Make people an offer so good they would feel stupid saying no.”

  • Further, to have a business, we need to help our prospects find a solution and make them an offer they can’t refuse:

  • Offer – “the goods and services you agree to provide, how you accept payment, and the terms of the agreement”

  • Offers start the process of customer acquisition and earning money, and they can range from nothing to a grand slam:

    • No offer? No business. No life.
    • Bad offer? Negative profit. No business. Miserable life.
    • Decent offer? No profit. Stagnating business. Stagnating life.
    • Good offer? Some profit. Okay business. Okay life.
    • Grand Slam Offer? Fantastic profit. Insane business. Freedom.
  • There are two significant issues that most entrepreneurs face:

    • Not Enough Clients
    • Not Enough Cash or excess profit at the end of the month

The Commodity Problem

  • You are either growing or dying, as maintenance is a myth. Therefore, you need to be growing with three simple things:

    • Get More Customers
    • Increase their Average Purchase Value
    • Get Them to Buy More Times
  • The book introduces the following key business terms:

    • Gross Profit – “the revenue minus the direct cost of servicing an ADDITIONAL customer”
    • Lifetime Value – “the gross profit accrued over the entire lifetime of a customer”
  • Many businesses provide readily available commodities and compete on price, which is a race to the bottom. However, you should sell your products based on value with a grand slam offer:

  • Grand Slam Offer – “an offer you present to the marketplace that cannot be compared to any other product or service available, combining an attractive promotion, an unmatchable value proposition, a premium price, and an unbeatable guarantee with a money model (payment terms) that allows you to get paid to get new customers… forever removing the cash constraint on business growth”

  • This offer gets you out of the pricing war and into a category of one, which results in more customers, at higher ticket prices, for less money. In terms of marketing, you will have:

    • Increased Response Rates
    • Increased Conversion
    • Premium Prices

Finding The Right Market — A Starving Crowd

  • Alex Hormozi focuses on finding the correct market to apply our pricing strategies. You should avoid choosing a bad market. Instead, you can pick a great market with demand by looking at four indicators:

    • Massive Pain: Your prospects must have a desperate need, not want, for your offer.
    • Purchasing Power: Your prospects must afford or access the money needed to buy.
    • Easy to Target: Your audience should be in easy-to-target markets.
    • Growing: The market should be growing to make things move faster.
  • First, start with the three primary markets resembling the core human pains: Health, Wealth, and Relationships. Then, find a subgroup in one of these larger markets that is growing, has the buying power, and is easy to target. Ultimately, picking a great market matters much more than your offer strength and persuasion skill:

  • Starving Crowd (market) > Offer Strength > Persuasion Skills

  • Next, you need to commit to a niche until you have found a great offer. The niches will make you more money as you can charge more for a similar product. In the process of committing, you will try out many offers and failures. Therefore, you must be resilient, as you will eventually succeed.

  • If you find a crazy niche market, take advantage of it. And if you can pair the wealthy niche with a Grand Slam Offer, it will be so good that you probably never need to work again.

Pricing: Charge What It’s Worth

  • Alex Hormozi advocates that you charge a premium as it allows you to do things no one else can to make your clients successful.

  • Warren Buffet has said, “Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.” Thus, people buy to get a deal for what they are getting (value) is worth more than what they are giving in exchange for it (price).” When someone perceives the value dipping lower than the price, they stop buying.

  • Avoid lowering prices to improve the price-value gap because you will fall into a vicious cycle of losing money, and your business will struggle. Instead, you want to improve the gap by raising your price after sufficiently increasing the value to the customer. As a result, the virtuous cycle works for you, and your business profits significantly.

  • Virtuous vs. Vicious Cycle of Price

  • Further, you must have clients fully committed by offering a service where they must pay high enough and take 10X action required to achieve results or solve issues. Higher levels of investment correlate to a higher likelihood of accomplishing the positive outcome.

The Value Equation

  • Alex Hormozi introduces the value equation. Most entrepreneurs think that charging a lot is wrong, but you should “charge as much money for your products or services as humanly possible.” However, never charge more than what they are worth.

  • You must understand the details of value to charge the most for your goods and services. Further, you should price them much more than the cost of fulfillment. The Value Equation quantifies the four variables that create the absolute best delivery methods of value for any offer:

  • The four variables that create the value for $100M Offers, Alex Hormozi

  • Value is based on the perception of reality. Thus, your prospect must perceive the first two factors increasing and the second two factors decreasing to perceive value in their mind:

    • The Dream Outcome (Goal: Increase) – “the expression of the feelings and experiences the prospect has envisioned in their mind; the gap between their current reality and their dreams”
    • Perceived Likelihood of Achievement (Goal: Increase) – the probability that the purchase will work and achieve the result that the prospect is looking for
    • Perceived Time Delay Between Start and Achievement (Goal: Decrease) – “the time between a client buying and receiving the promised benefit;” this driver consists of long-term outcome and short-term experience
    • Perceived Effort & Sacrifice (Goal: Decrease) – “the ancillary costs or other costs accrued” of effort and sacrifice; supports why “done for you services” are almost always more expensive than “do-it-yourself”

The Thought Process

  • difference between convergent and divergent problem solving:

    • Convergent – problem solving where there are many known variables with unchanging conditions to converge on a singular answer

    • Divergent – problem solving in which there are many solutions to a singular problem with known variables, unknown variables, and dynamic conditions

    • Exercise: Set a timer for 2 minutes and “write down as many different uses of a brick as you can possibly think of.”

  • This exercise illustrates that “every offer has building blocks, the pieces that when combined make an offer irresistible.” You need to use divergent thinking to determine how to combine the elements to provide value.

Creating Your Grand Slam Offer Part I: Problems & Solutions

  • how to craft the problems and solutions of your Grand Slam Offer:

    • Step #1: Identify Dream Outcome: When thinking about the dream outcome, you need to determine what your customer experiences when they arrive at the destination.

    • Step #2: List the Obstacles Encountered: Think of all the problems that prevent them from achieving their outcome or continually reaching it. Each problem has four negative elements that align with the four value drivers.

    • Step #3: List the Obstacles as Solutions: Transform our problems into solutions by determining what is needed to solve each problem. Then, name each of the solutions.

Creating Your Grand Slam Offer Part II: Trim & Stack

In Chapter 10 of $100M Offers, Alex Hormozi helps you tactically determine what you do or provide for your client in your Grand Slam Offer. Specifically, you need to understand trimming and stacking by reframing with the concept of the sales to fulfillment continuum:

Sales to Fulfillment Continuum – “a continuum between ease of fulfillment and ease of sales” to find the sweet spot of selling something well that is easy to fulfill:

The Sale to Fulfillment Continuum The goal is “to find a sweet spot where you sell something very well that’s also easy to fulfill.”

Alex Hormozi lives by the mantra, “Create flow. Monetize flow. Then add friction:”

Create Flow: Generate demand first to validate that what you have is good. Monetize Flow: Get the prospect to say yes to your offer. Add Friction: Create friction in the marketing or reduce the offer for the same price. “If this is your first Grand Slam Offer, it’s important to over-deliver like crazy,” which generates cash flow. Then, invest the cash flow to create systems and optimize processes to improve efficiency. As a result, your offer may not change, but rather the newly implemented systems will provide the same value to clients for significantly fewer resources.

Finally, here are the last steps of creating the Grand Slam offer:

Step #4: Create Your Solutions Delivery Vehicles (“The How”): Think through every possibility to solve each identified issue in exchange for money. There are several product delivery “cheat codes” for product variation or enhancement:

Attention: What level of personal attention do I want to provide? One-on-one – private and personalized Small group – intimate, small audience but not private One to many – large audience and not private Effort: What level of effort is expected from them? Do it Yourself (DIY) – the business helps the customer figure it out on their own Done with You (DWY) – the business coaches the customer on how to do it Done for You (DFY) – the company does it for the customer Support: If doing something live, what setting or medium do I want to deliver it in? In-person or support via phone, email, text, Zoom, chat, etc. Consumption: If doing a recording, how do I want them to consume it? Audio, Video, or Written materials. Speed & Convenience: How quickly do we want to reply? On what days and hours? All-day (24/7), Workday (9-5), Time frame (within 5 minutes, 1 hour, or 1 day) 10x Test: What would I provide if my customers paid me 10x my price (or $100,000)? 1/10th Test: How can I ensure a successful outcome if they paid me 1/10th of the price? Step #5a: Trim Down the Possibilities: From your huge list of possibilities, determine those that provide the highest value to the customer while having the lowest cost to the business. Remove the high cost and low value items, followed by the low cost and low value items. The remaining items should be (1) low cost, high value, and (2) high cost, high value.

Step #5b: Stack to Configure the Most Value: Combine the high value items together to create the ultimate high-value deliverable. This Grand Slam Offer is unique, “differentiated, and unable to be compared to anything else in the marketplace.”

Scarcity, Urgency, Bonuses, Guarantees, And Naming

In Chapter 11 of $100M Offers, Alex Hormozi discusses how to enhance the offer by understanding human psychology and habits. Naval Ravikant has said that “Desire is a contract you make with yourself to be unhappy until you get what you want,” as it follows that:

“People want what they can’t have. People want what other people want. People want things only a select few have access to.”

Essentially, all marketing exists to influence the supply and demand curve:

Alex Hormozi’s new Supply and Demand Curve in $100M Offers Therefore, you can enhance your core offer by doing the following:

Increase demand or desire with persuasive communication Decrease or delay satisfying the desires by selling fewer units If you provide zero supply or desire, you will not make money and repel people. But, conversely, if you satisfy all the demands, you will kill your golden goose and eventually not make money.

The result is engaging in a “Delicate Dance of Desire” between supply and demand to “sell the same products for more money than you otherwise could, and in higher volumes, than you otherwise would (over a longer time horizon).”

Until now, the book has focused on the internal aspects of the offer. For more on marketing, check out the book, The 1-Page Marketing Plan (book summary) by Allan Dib. The following chapters discuss the outside factors that position the product in your prospect’s mind, including scarcity, urgency, bonuses, guarantees, and naming.


In a transaction, “the person who needs the exchange less always has the upper hand.” In Chapter 12 of $100M Offers, Alex Hormozi shows you how to “use scarcity to decrease supply to raise prices (and indirectly increase demand through perceived exclusiveness):”

Scarcity – the “fear of missing out” or the psychological lever of limiting the “supply or quantity of products or services that are available for purchase”

Scarcity works as the “fear of loss is stronger than the desire for gain.” Therefore, so you can influence prospects to take action and purchase your offer with the following types of scarcity:

Limited Supply of Seats/Slots Limited Supply of Bonuses Never Available Again Physical Goods: Produce limited releases of flavors, colors, designs, sizes, etc. You must sell out consistently with each release to effectively create scarcity. Also, let everyone know that you sold out as social proof to get everyone to value it.

Services: Limit the number of clients to cap capacity or create cadence:

Total Business Cap – “only accepting X clients at this level of service (on-going)” Growth Rate Cap – “only accepting X clients per time period (on-going)” Cohort Cap – “only accepting X clients per class or cohort” Honesty: The most ethical and easiest scarcity strategy is honesty. Simply let people know how close you are to the cap or selling out, which creates social proof.


In Chapter 13 of $100M Offers, Alex Hormozi shows you how to “use urgency to increase demand by decreasing the action threshold of a prospect.” Scarcity and urgency are frequently used together, but “scarcity is a function of quantity, while urgency is a function of time:”

Urgency – the psychological lever of limiting timing and establishing deadlines for the products or services that are available for purchase; implement the following four methods:

Rolling Cohorts – accepting clients in a limited buying window per time period Rolling Seasonal Urgency – accepting clients during a season with a deadline to buy Promotional or Pricing Urgency – “using your actual offer or promotion or pricing structure as the thing they could miss out on” Exploding Opportunity – “occasionally exposing the prospect to an arbitrage opportunity with a ticking time clock”


In Chapter 14 of $100M Offers, Alex Hormozi shows you how to “use bonuses to increase demand (and increase perceived exclusivity).” The main takeaway is that “a single offer is less valuable than the same offer broken into its component parts and stacked as bonuses:”

Bonus – an addition to the core offer that “increases the prospect’s price-to-value discrepancy by increasing the value delivering instead of cutting the price”

The price is anchored to the core offer, and when selling 1-on-1, you should ask for the sale first. Then, offer the bonuses to grow the discrepancy such that it becomes irresistible and compels the prospect to buy. Additionally, there are a few keys when offering bonuses:

Always offer them a bonus. Give each bonus a unique name with the benefit contained in the title. Tell them (a) how it relates to their issue; (b) what it is; (c) how you discovered it or created it; and (d) how it explicitly improves their lives or provides value. Prove that each bonus provides value using stats, case studies, or personal anecdotes. Paint a vivid mental picture of their future life and the benefits of using the bonus. Assign a price to each bonus and justify it. Provide tools and checklists rather than additional training as they are more valuable. Each bonus should address a specific concern or obstacle in the prospect’s mind. Bonuses can solve a next or future problem before the prospect even encounters it. Ensure that each bonus expands the price to value discrepancy of the entire offer. Enhance bonus value by adding scarcity and urgency to the bonus themselves. Further, you can partner with other businesses to provide you with their high-value goods and services as a part of your bonuses.” In exchange, they will get exposure to your clients for free or provide you with additional revenue from affiliate marketing.


The most significant objection to any sale of a good or service is the risk that it will not work for a prospect. In Chapter 15 of $100M Offers, Alex Hormozi shows you how to “use guarantees to increase demand by reversing risk:”

Guarantee – “a formal assurance or promise, especially that certain conditions shall be fulfilled relating to a product, service, or transaction”

Your guarantee gets power by telling the prospect what you will do if they do not get the promised result in this conditional statement: If you do not get X result in Y time period, we will Z.” There are four types of guarantees:

Unconditional – the strongest guarantee that allows customers to pay to try the product or service to see if they like it and get a refund if they don’t like it “No Questions Asked” Refund – simple but risky as it holds you accountable Satisfaction-Based Refund – triggers when a prospect is unsatisfied with service Conditional – a guarantee with “terms and conditions;” can incorporate the key actions someone needs to take to get the successful outcome Outsized Refund – additional money back attached to doing the work to qualify Service – provide work that is free of charge until X result is achieved Modified Service – grant another period Y of service or access free of charge Credit-Based – provide a refund in the form of a credit toward your other offers Personal Service – work with client one-on-one for free until X result is achieved Hotel + Airfare Perks – reimburse your product with hotel and airfare if no value Wage-Payment – pay their hourly rate if they don’t get value from your session Release of Service – cancel the contract free of charge if they stop getting value Delayed Second Payment – stop 2nd payment until the first outcome is reached First Outcome – pay ancillary costs until they reach their first outcome Anti-Guarantee – a non-guarantee that explicitly states “all sales are final” with a creative reason for why Implied Guarantees – a performance-based offer based on trust and transparency Performance – pay $X per sale, show, or milestone Revenue-Share – pay X% of top-line revenue or X% of revenue growth Profit-Share – pay X% of profit or X% of Gross Profit Ratchets – pay X% if over Y revenue or profit Bonuses/Triggers – pay X when Y event occurs Hormozi prefers “selling service-based guarantees or setting up performance partnerships.” Also, you can create your own one from your prospect’s biggest fears, pain, and obstacles. Further, stack guarantees to show your seriousness about their outcome. Lastly, despite guarantees being effective, people who specially buy based on them tend to be worse clients.


“Over time, offers fatigue; and in local markets, they fatigue even faster.” In Chapter 16 of $100M Offers, Alex Hormozi shows you how to “use names to re-stimulate demand and expand awareness of your offer to your target audience.”

“We must appropriately name our offer to attract the right avatar to our business.” You can rename your offer to get leads repeatedly using the five parts of the MAGIC formula:

Make a Magnetic Reason Why: Start with a word or phrase that provides a strong reason for running the promotion or presentation. Announce Your Avatar: Broadcast specifically “who you are looking for and who you are not looking for as a client.” Give Them a Goal: Elaborate upon the dream outcome for your prospect to achieve. Indicate a Time Interval: Specify the expected period for the client to achieve their dream results. Complete with a Container Word: Wrap up the offer as “a bundle of lots of things put together” with a container word. Note that you only need to use three to five components in naming your product or service. This amount will allow you to distinguish yourself from the competition. Further, you can create variations when the market offers fatigues:

Change the creative elements or images in your adds Change the body copy in your great ads Change the headline or the “wrapper” of your offer Change the duration of your offer Change the enhancer or free/discounted component of your offer Change the monetization structure, the series of offers, and the associated price points Download The PDF Book Summary For $100M Offers By Alex Hormozi Your first name Your email address

Next Steps

In the $100M Offers, Alex Hormozi teaches you “how to make offers so good people will feel stupid saying no.” Specifically, he shows you how to set pricing, make your offer valuable, break your services into several individual parts, and enhance it using psychology. It is one of the best business books out there!

So, I hope you are inspired to get your own copy of the 100 million dollar book, $100M Offers, or check out his website, Acquisiton.com. For further reading on offers, check out The Irresistible Offer (book summary) by Mark Joyner.

Scroll I – I will Form Good Habits and Become their Slave Today, I begin a new life This part of the scrolls talks about seizing the day (without saying the Latin Phrase Carpe diem). Take advantage of the opportunities of today What is done today matters most Reject failure and use principles Experience is overrated – it teaches, but takes too much time Applying principles will help you reach the goals in life Habits (daily efforts) leads to consistent application of principles Good habits are the key to all success Habits All men have habits If you must be a slave to habits, be a slave to good habits Habits determine your future and steer your course How to leverage habits Replace bad habits with good ones Carefully be aware of and choose your habits Apply habits to the scrolls Read the words of the scrolls throughout the day Repeat each scroll in turn for 30 days each The Benefits of applying the scroll habits Repeating the scrolls daily Writes the contents of the scroll on your inner mind Your inner mind then steers your Responses and Actions Your actions determine your results Affirmations The scrolls contain various affirmations to strengthen this concept

Scroll II – Greet Each Day With Love In Your Heart I will greet this day with LOVE in my hear Love is my greatest weapon Love will soften hearts How to greet with love Look on all things with love Find the greatness in everything good and bad – everything has something to admire Encourage, applaud, hold your tongue, praise What not to do: criticize, tear down, gossip, think evil, etc. Focus on the good and celebrate the admirable qualities in others – everyone has admirable qualities Love everyone for all that is good in them React to the actions of others with love Use love as a shield as well as a weapon Great others In words of silence in my mind, say, “I love you.” Their heats will feel my love Love myself Take care of body, mind, soul, and heat Keep body clean and healthy Keep mind clean and uplifted Keep soul pure and bright Affirmations Only time to love Love will increase sales Love alone will replace any lack of qualities and skill

Scroll III – I Will Persist Until I Succeed I will persist until I succeed Bulls in the Orient Bulls charge regardless of whether they are stung, they continue to charge forward If I keep charging forward, I will succeed Life’s prizes are at the end – I will continue until I reach my goal Always take another step One step at a time is not too difficult Small attempts, repeated will complete any undertaking Slight edge daily seemingly insignificant efforts reap big rewards Remove “failure and quitting” language from vocabulary and thoughts Think on success, focus on the goal Each failure will increase your chance of success Must fail often to succeed only once Each obstacle is a mere detour Persist When going gets tough, take one more step Never end a day with a failure If I persist long enough, I will win

Scroll IV – I am Nature’s Greatest Miracle I am nature’s greatest miracle I am unique There has never been another exactly like me I have a flame, drive, and passion I have unique set of talents My differences are special and valuable I do not copy others I am proud of the differences I am valuable I have unlimited potential I tap into my potential and accomplish far more than I have done I have a purpose My purpose is to grow and progress I increase my knowledge and skill and talents I improve myself, manners, people skills… I focus on the moment I focus on what I am doing at the moment When in the market, I focus on the market. When at home, I focus on home. I am positive I see all obstacles as opportunities I see the good in each situation and each person

Scroll V – Live Each Day as if it Were Your Last I will live this day as if it were the last I will not waste a moment Not spend time thinking about yesterday Not spend time dreaming of tomorrow Today is the time that I have I feel grateful for having today I see today as an opportunity I will cherish each hour Once gone, it cannot be called back Today is all we have Your days are priceless and cannot be purchased – must be used I do not court idleness Idleness is wasteful I will take advantage of opportunities today I will enjoy the day I will spend time with family I will only trade each minute for something of value I will make sure I use my time for the greatest value

Scroll VI – Master Your Emotions I recognize my emotions and moods will rise and fall My sadness can be the seed of tomorrow’s joy I will make my own weather I create good emotions, and bring that mood and emotions to my customers I will master my emotions I will take physical efforts to change the inward weather When I awake, I focus on gratitude and joy If I feel down, I will sing, laugh, do or think of something happy If I am tired, I will rev up my body with diligent work … I will do those things that will create the desired emotion I recognize I’m not always at my best Some days, I will have sadness or despair I accept those, don’t focus or feed them, and focus on the good Likewise, when I am feeling too good, proud, or overly confident I remember times when I was down I put things into perspective I make allowances for the emotions of others Others also have emotions Their emotions, like mine, ebb and flow, come and go I live and let live, and give people room to be human I make allowances, forgive, and love unconditionally I will control whatever personality emerges on that day

Scroll VII – The Power of Laughter Only man can laugh My laughter improves my world My health, digestion, and outlook improve – I heal I put things in perspective – see my concerns as part of a larger picture Accept humility and humanity as part of me Words to remember: “This too shall pass” These will help me keep things in balance Help me remember the trials will pass And remember even some good things shall pass (enjoy them today) Choose always happiness over sadness When the choice is before me Happiness can be born of a mere choice Lean in the direction of happiness Laughter Puts failures in their place Increases goodness and progression Improves relationships Happiness is linked to gratitude Enjoyment follows laughter and happiness

Scroll VIII – Multiply Your Value Every Day Today, I will multiply my value a hundred-fold The Genius of man Inanimate objects, when touched with the genius of man become amazing things If I use that same genius on developing myself, I can become amazing things 3 Futures of a Grain of Wheat Made into swine feed Feed man Can be planted to multiply a thousand-fold Man is like wheat except man can choose to multiply How to multiply Nurture my body and mind Need not wait Set goals for day, month, year – have objectives Look at past performances and set the goals higher I may meet difficulties in the rise and fall of life – I will go forward Focus I will not worry about Things that happened yesterday Big worrying obstacles in the future What others are achieving Just focus on today and set goals for tomorrow I announce my goals to others They may laugh, but they will know my plans Thus, I am committed to going forward I will set my sights high Not set low goals Set out to progress upward from where I am

Scroll IX – All is Worthless Without Action I will act now Without action Dreams, plans, and goals are worthless Maps without action are not helpful Action Ignites plans into a living force Is the food that brings life to my dreams Procrastination (not acting now) Procrastination is born of fear To conquer fear, must act without hesitation Fireflies glow when they fly My light will shine when I act I will let my light shine There are only todays I won’t avoid the tasks of today Without today’s action, all fruit will die on the vine Now is all I have How will I do it? Habit & Mind Conditioning Repeat the words over and over every day Change my behavior Motivate my action When I face hesitation or procrastination I will say these words and find courage in them Me and the Failure My acting now separates me from the failure I hunger for success I take advantage of the opportunity now This is the time and place and I am the man

Scroll X – Pray to God for Guidance Natural Instinct Who has not cried to God when trouble arises? Any creature cries out for help when in trouble God is there, and all in existence cries to him when in trouble Don’t need to be religious to observe this natural occurrence These cries are a form of prayer I pray for guidance Whether in need of help or desiring progression, I can pray I ask for help – not for handouts or entitlements God is not my servant, I am His He blesses me because He loves me Answers Whether the guidance comes or doesn’t come, those are answers Og’s Recommended Prayer Address Acknowledge humility Ask for guidance Ask for … love, humility, victory, challenges, success, temperament, courage, laughter, long life, productivity, gratitude, good words, persistence, law of averages, alertness, observation, patience, good habits, compassion, knowledge that all things shall pass, guidance, help, instruction Special place for me


  • Why these principles? Where’s the credibility?

    • I’m not really sure where the ideas or principles in the scrolls came from – whether some guy just sat down and wrote out what he thought would bring success or whether there was some study or experience. I don’t take anything at face value. Maybe it’s the lawyer in me, but I want to see the proof, where the ideas came from, whether I can rely on them. At first this seemed like just some collection of random, arbitrary “good ideas” with no backing whatsoever. The fact that some “fictional” character found success with these principles is not enough for me. I really want some real-life proof that these ideas really work. I didn’t get that in the book. Not to say that the principles don’t work, but there is no evidence either way.
  • Why the parable?

    • The parable seems to illustrate how to come into possession of secrets of success rather than to illustrate the principles themselves. That is to say, the parable is entertaining rather than instructing. The story was distracting in many parts, and contained many unnecessary elements. I have seen some personal development works masterfully use story to deliver principles through story that helps the reader comprehend and internalize the concepts. The 4 Laws of Financial Prosperity is a good example of this. This story not only takes place at the time of Christ, the main character (Spoiler Alert here) comes into contact with Him. Although this is a nice thought for those of us who love Christ, it merely distracts from the purpose of the work, in my opinion. At least it did for me. If there were some example of application of each principle into the life of the main character in a way that we could see it in action, that would have been a much better application of a story. Here is was just a fore and after thought.
  • Innocence: “Just Believe” seems to be the main force behind the principles and concepts.

    • This reminds me of many of the personal development works in the early 1900’s. There are many more sophisticated and reliable methods of achieving personal development that will leave you less frustrated with your results. For example, the book’s main form of achieving change is reliance on repeating phrases over and over. I respect affirmations, declarations, and visualizations, but to repeat archaic text ad nausuem doesn’t seem to be the best format. However, I readily admit that it is much better than doing nothing, so… it works.
  • where’s misdirection?

    • There were a few ideas throughout the book that I don’t know if I agree with having read personal development books my whole life. One idea is the rejecting of failure. The truth is that we are not perfect, and we would be better off learning from and living with failure than running from or trying to avoid failure at all costs. This is, of course, my opinion. However, I note that the story has many things good to say about failure that I wholeheartedly agree with and support. Another example of a concept that didn’t sit right with me was rejection of idleness, which some might take to the extreme and refuse to rest or relax. Furthermore, I believe prayer should include more than just asking for “guidance” you may ask for outright blessings, too. Which the 10th scroll does ultimately do.
  • is there secret Answers?

    • It’s not said, but the book presents to the mind that principles of success are hidden and secret and that only a few of the very rich and successful know them, that they keep them to themselves. I strongly disagree with this. In fact, principles of success is all around us. Success leaves clues, and we can ask anyone who is successful to share with us their philosophy, and they readily will. It is an unfortunate myth that there are “Secrets of Success” because there are no secrets.


“People who help others (with zero expectation) experience higher levels of fulfillment, live longer, and make more money.” And so, “if you introduce something valuable to someone, they associate that value with you.”


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Written by Tony Vo father, husband, son and software developer Twitter